Friday, December 7, 2007

6 Month Check-Up

I went yesterday for my 6 month visit and all is well. The baby is moving a lot lately and according to measurements the Dr. said I'm a little ahead of schedule. I don't know what that means in terms of the due date at this point. I'm sure growth rate probably varies as time goes on. He said the heartrate sounded very normal. I'll now be going every two weeks for checkups.

We've been following my cousin Sandra and her family's trip to Kaz to bring home their new son Eli. If you want to check out their experience you can see their blog at

We also found out that Dale and Andrea Broach from our Coldwater church are expecting a baby on June 3rd. Dale and Tim went to school together. We are excited for them. I've included a picture below of Coldwater's float in the Christmas parade in Murray and one from our scene at the live nativity sponsored by the UM Churches of Calloway County.

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