Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1 Month Old

Riley seems pretty happy about her first month. She is beginning to smile and almost laugh. Getting a picture of it is the harder part.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Visit to Illinois

We made a quick trip to Illinois this weekend and got to visit with my family. Uncle Jesse and Aunt Ashley are pictured trying to spoil Riley I think :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Strollin' around campus

Riley and I went walking around campus and visiting co-workers today in the nice weather before the rain hit. It was nice to get some fresh air. Riley slept through the whole trip.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuckered Out

Riley has been fighting a lot of gas pains lately and is happiest when she can be on her belly. Thank goodness for the Boppy pillow.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Headed to the Farm

Riley is dressed up and ready to head to the farm. We've been hanging out there some with Dad this week while he is working on his farm equipment.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

1st Dr. Visit

Riley had her first visit to the doctor today. She wasn't thrilled about the experience but she checked out fine. She now weighs 7lbs 12 oz and is gaining weight.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Tim and Riley like to hangout in the recliner and watch tv together. In the picture below she is ready to go to her first fish fry. Note the adorable tennis shoes she's wearing. These were a gift from Richard and Donna Tynes. Her feet are so long that they probably will be too small in the next month but they fit great right now.

Monday, April 7, 2008

2 Weeks Old

This picture was taken on Friday to mark Riley being 2 weeks old now. Below she is ready for church on Sunday. She beginning to stay awake much more now and unfortunately is less content than she was during her first week just to eat and sleep. She rolled over on the changing table this morning during a fit of madness over a bath she'd just taken. I need to get some bathtime pictures up. Riley really looks like a little frog with all her long legs jumping up and down in the tub.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Chllin in the Cradle

Riley is snuggled here in the crib that Tim's dad made for her. For now she sleeps in it next to our bed. We had our first night with only one feeding last night. It was really nice to get that much sleep. Part of the good sleep has to be because we're spending more time awake playing with our toys during the day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

1 Week Portrait

Aunt Ashley took these pictures last Friday at Mom and Dad's house. They turned out really cute even though Riley wasn't exactly cooperating. She kept putting her feet down and trying to scoot away. She rolled over from her back to her side yesterday by herself and she can hold her head up longer and longer each day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Riley Goes to Work

We took Riley up to my office and to the funeral home where Tim works today to visit our co-workers. Despite many efforts to wake her, she slept through the entire trip. We've had a couple of rough nights and think maybe she has her days and nights confused as she seems to sleep hard all day and then wants to be wide awake all night. We're going to try some things to get her back on track this week. It really doesn't surprise me because she was always active and kicking about bedtime before she was born too. We tried out the bouncy seat today. She seemed content to sit in it for quite a while.