Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall Festival

We had our fall festival with the churches at the farm this past weekend. We had a great crowd with about 150 people attending. The food was great and we had an inflatable slide for the first time which was a big hit. Dad brought his throwers again this year and helped many of the folks shoot some clay targets. For some it was their first time to shoot and he is a good teacher. Mom got stuck watching Riley most of the day. I can tell she was really upset about that.

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Stacey said...

Is that Brian Hoover? If so, darn I missed him. I haven't seen him since he's been back in Murray.

Cassidy said...

Yes, that was Brian Hoover. He is teaching at MSU this fall and finishing up his PhD. His email at MSU is still the same if you want to email him.

Vicki said...

I'm smiling...and thinking how much complaining I'll do when I'm "stuck" watching my grandbaby one of these days. ;)