Friday, June 21, 2013

First Tractor Driving

Riley drove a tractor by herself for the first time about two weeks ago. Since then she begs to drive and drives the 530 Case around the driveway at the shop. It has a hand clutch so she can stop it without needing help. This was Tim's great grandfather's tractor and he drove it when he was a kid too.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cousin Fun and Mullberries

 Riley is learning a lot of her great riding skills from Will and Teshome.  They are great teachers.  I taught them a handy trick thanks to Google.  Picking mulberries is a wretched process where most of the berries fall out of your hand before you can get them into the bucket and it takes forever.  The boys and I found a better way by putting sheets on the ground and whacking the branches.  This is not only more fun but definitely faster.
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Bike!

Tim surprised Riley with a new big girl bike this week.  He saw it and couldn't resist.  She's been doing so well with her bike riding and is just about too tall for her 12" bike.  She has been doing great with this one.  Even learning some "tricks" from her cousins like riding with her feet stuck out and the like.  Makes me a little nervous!